
Live simply and you will have a full life. Have a life full of this world and it will not be simple.

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Location: Grand Terrace, California

Been walking with Christ since I stopped crawling.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Your heart is soft as dancing leaves
my warm felt touch...fall to your knees.
Your eyes are moist like mist in Spring
wash pain away...cold winters clean.
Your hand grips tight as vine to a wall
faith, hope and love...I give to all.
Your heart beats fast as you hear my voice
calling to my love...make me your choice!
This moment passes in the blink of an eye
to spend it with you...for this I had to die.
Look in my eyes you can see it there
an eternity of love...that we will share.
I'm with you now so leave the past
our future together...a clear bright glass.
Your every need is at my sight
I'll comfort you...peace be at rest tonight.
As you go this day remember my love
I'm praying for you...on my throne above.
Abide with me and the fears will go
my Light in thee...everyone shall know!