
Live simply and you will have a full life. Have a life full of this world and it will not be simple.

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Location: Grand Terrace, California

Been walking with Christ since I stopped crawling.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

The last five years, with my beautiful wife, have been very adventurous, to say the least. We have traveled to more states than I had done so in the previous 34 years of life. We love the same things, like road trips, the arts, great food and most of all our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. My business direction has changed three times in the past five years from painter/faux finisher/finish carpenter to decorative artist and now "Abscape Artist". For two years I have been working on abstract and landscape paintings, with some sales, along the way, but since March of this year it has exploded! I am in a Laguna Beach gallery, full time, and this month a gallery in downtown LA.
We also started an in home young adult Bible study three years ago and it has grown stronger every year. They are a great group of 18-23 year olds. We also became the junior high directors for Centerpoint Church in Colton CA two years ago and have seen His fruit there also. Every year we get to see a great group of junior high students move up to high school and another new group of students move into Switch Ministries (JR High). Our lives are beyond busy they, are in the realm of SUPER BUSY, kind of like superman who changes roles on the blink of an eye. We have many roles that all point to one common goal, IMPACT 4 CHRIST! My reason for choosing the name of this blog was based on my purpose for life. I want to love HIM and point others to HIM. This is what we do, we were born to do this and no matter how some might try to change us, it is in our blood.
We had a wonderful meeting yesterday that ignited our souls and fanned us a new flame. Our shepherd gave us clear encouragement and direction and nothing feels better than to be affirmed in what you're doing. Too often we are so focused on everyone else and we get discouraged. Jesus sees this and he sends a blessing our way.
Adda has been that to me for the past five years and will be until time ends. She is amazing and if you have never had the chance to meet her, you should! You will receive a WARM HUG and a BEAUTIFUL SMILE, but most of all you will receive the LOVE OF JESUS!